Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's your word?

So today my husband and I decided to spend saturday at home and be lazy since the past few weeks have been activity-filled and busy. I also had 3 band aids on me, a huge lump on my forearm from a tuberculosis test and an aching upper arm from an MMR vaccine (we decided to go ahead and finish up the medical requirements for my immigration process). The only thing that made me (remotely) happy was that my band aids had tweety bird on them. 

We were watching the movie 'Eat, Pray, Love' and Julia Roberts was talking about one, single word to describe herself. So I asked Jonathan what his word would be. "Charming", he says (I tell ya, modest would not be word I use to describe my husband :-P) . "What's your word?", he asks me. I initially thought I'd be able to answer this question real quick but... I couldn't. I had to think about it for an entire day! It was so difficult because there are so many sides to my personality, so many qualities that I cannot leave out while describing myself. I am also a bundle of contradictions so I struggled to come up with a word. I was .. different, I thought. But isn't everyone? I was quirky, yes. But .. that didn't sum me up as a person. I was smart and lazy, thoughtful and selfish, loving and mean, passionate and emotionless, sensitive and strong, expressive and cold, funny and quiet, brave and scared, introvert and extrovert ... I was a lot of things. And a lot of things contradicted themselves. Also, I'm pretty certain I don't know myself too well. So I was completely at sea!

I decided to ask Jonathan for help becuase, afterall, isn't your husband supposed to know you best? He said 'enigma'.

Me an enigma? Hmm, I still wasn't convinced that that was my word.

So I finally settled on one word that, in my opinion, encompasses everything. It may not directly point out each of my qualities (that is impossible) and my character simply cannot be pinned down to one big quality.

Multifarious. That's my word. That's my word without judging myself , without sounding positive or negative - an absolutely neutral yet all-encompassing word.

Think about yours :-) . 

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