Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bob, Bobette and some cake

One of my birthday presents was a tomato plant from my mother in law :-) . I must admit that for the first couple of days I completely forgot about it. But I eventually remembered and to prevent any more mess-ups I wrote 'TOMATO PLANT' on a note and stuck it on my fridge as a constant reminder.

My note has clearly worked because on returning from my Louisville trip I found that my plant had begun sprouting little, green tomatoes.  I would have never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that five green tomatoes would one day excite Meghna Paul so much :-O .

So Jonathan and I decided to name them because they're so special right now (and we had nothing else to do last night).

I therefore present to you my tomatoes Bob (the oldest), Bobette, Harry, Baby Harriette and Jules :

Apart from naming my tomatoes, I've actually been doing some good cooking and even baked a delicious devils food cake with chocolate and strawberry frosting using the strawberries I picked last week.

I also did some GRE prep (quite sincerely, mind you) and Jonathan's giving me a mock test in two weeks. So you see, I haven't been all that unproductive. 

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