Where I come from, marriage can be a huge ordeal
- especially if you're a woman. By the time you're 20 people begin noticing you and asking your parents what your plans are. By the time you're 21/22 your parents start getting phonecalls asking if you're interested in talking to some 'nalla
nadar paiyan' (meaning 'good nadar boy'; nadar being my caste) with a gigantic mustache from church or the deep south or 'the states' (just kidding about the mustache :P ). At this point you're probably dating someone else and all this freaks you out because, according to you, you're reaching the peak of your youth and you still have a couple hundred more parties to attend and things to do before you can say bye bye freedom and tie that dreaded knot. You've also been hearing stories that make your jaw drop - like that girl who was rejected by that nalla doctor paiyan or software paiyan who earns 'many many lakhs a month' because she wears shorts and had a boyfriend in 10th grade. Your skepticism regarding these horrible arranged marriages is growing because - a) you wear shorts b) you did probably have some silly boyfriend in 10th grade and c) maybe, just maaaybe, you have a tattoo.
Then year 23 comes rollin' 'round. You're probably still doing the same stuff. But something feels different. You're frustrated. Working life isn't as glamorous as it seemed when you got recruited by that amazing company you thought you were going to make a career in. That job you thought you were going to absolutely love to smithereens actually sucks and you hate admitting that to people. Your boss is a jerk from north india and you can't understand hindi no matter how hard you try. Your glory days are long gone and are now a vague memory. And worst of all, you've been having some seriously bad hair days. And we all know that nothing depresses a woman more than bad hair days. So what do you do now??? That nalla paiyan (who happens to be nadar.. although noone really cares about that) from the states.. you give him a shot. What else do you have going for you anyway?! Yeah, I thought so. Besides, with 1000s of miles between you maybe he won't notice your hair .....
It's still year 23. You're probably still doing the same stuff. But something feels different. Whaddaya know! You fell for him. And you fell fast and hard. But how do you know he's the one and not just a repeat of that silly 10th grade crush (just armed with a fancy american passport) ? Well, here's my advice to all south indian girls who want to know -
If the thought of getting married to him doesn't make you wildly excited, don't do it. If the thought of getting married to him doesn't have you counting every second to the big day, don't do it. If the inevitability of having to cook and bake for him doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy, don't do it. If the thought of getting married to him makes you feel like it's going to subtract from rather than add to your life, don't do it. And, most importantly, if the thought of having to remain committed to him for the rest of your life scares the bejesus out of you, DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT (ok, this doesn't mean you can't still drool all over that Ryan Gosling picture and wonder what he looks like in a jacuzzi. That is totally allowed and if it isn't, the world is an unfair, unfair place).
So I did do it. Best decision of my life (insert starry eyed emoticon).
A side note on arranged marriages - if it's done right it is a brilliant method because, honestly, parents get all Sherlock Holmes on every guy that expresses interest in you so background checks will be thorough. But the decisions and the emotions that come afterwards are yours. Noone should and can change them.
My point is that it is supposed to be the best moment of your life and the process of planning your wedding should bring you immense joy and excitement. Everyone deserves this time of happiness so don't compromise on it. Make it as memorable and enjoyable as it is meant to be. Marry the man of your dreams, whether your parents found him or you did, and never ever look back :) .